The 12” x 24” oversized airlock feeder and 5 h.p. positive displacement (P.D.) blower provides the ‘punch’ to knock-out the big jobs.
Wall Spray? Bring it on!!! Our optional Vacuum Hood/Gas Vacuum or 10 h.p. (P.D.) Vac-Pack Recovery Systems streamline the spray process and reduce labor costs.
Big dry hopper (75 ft.3/16 bags cellulose) allows operator to leave the truck for long durations assisting with duties inside the structure.
Simple dual slide gate controls for recycle and dry in a single, compact machine provide a fast, accurate application of dry blended fibers into the wall; while conserving space inside your vehicle.
Our integrated recycle technology precisely controls the introduction of dry and recycle fiber in a separate metering hopper. This process significantly increases speed of application and decreases moisture. These features allow the contractor to reduce labor while allowing the spray nozzle to run non-stop. The “Big Dog” CM-4500 is the solution to increase profits on large, demanding jobs.
Power Requirements
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