DBM 610 Technical Features
Measuring range
40 - 3500 m3/h
3 percent / measurement +/-10 m3/h
1 m3/h
TEMPERATURE (on the base)
From 0 - 50 deg. C
2 percent of the measurement +/-0.1 deg. C
0.1 deg. C
THERMOCOUPLE TEMPERATURE (on the micromanometer)
Thermocouple types
S, T, J, K
K - from -200 - 1300 deg. CJ - from -100 - 750 deg. C T - from -200 - 400 deg. CS - from 0 - 1760 deg. C
K - +/-1,1 deg. C or +/-0.4 percent of reading value J - +/-0,8 deg. C or +/- 0.4 percent of reading value T - +/- 0,5 deg. C or +/-0.4 percent of reading valueS - +/-1 deg. C or 0.4 percent of reading value
From -2500 - +2500 Pa
+/-0.2 percent of reading +/-2Pa
From 0.001 - 0.1 Pa
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